About Stop Soldier Suicide

Is SSS a scam OR is this challenge event legitimate?

Stop Soldier Suicide is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We’re one of Facebook’s verified nonprofits, and we’ve earned high ratings from independent evaluators of nonprofit organizations like GuideStar and Charity Navigator. Our Tax ID (EIN) is #27-3512119.

All challenge events hosted by our official Stop Soldier Suicide Facebook account help support our mission to reduce the military suicide rate.

You can view our current and upcoming challenge events on our website with links to verified event pages here: Find Your Challenge

How will SSS use the money raised?

Fundraising events like this one primarily support our Wellness Center. That's our team of behavioral health experts and clinicians who work one-on-one with veterans and service members to reduce and stabilize their suicide risk and improve their overall well-being.

Our care is 100% free for all U.S. veterans and service members, regardless of branch, generation, or discharge status.

For more information about our clinical services, financial disclosures, and/or impact reports, you can check out our website here: StopSoldierSuicide.org

How does this event actually help veterans?

The impact of our Facebook Challenges is two-fold:

First, these events help us raise awareness and share with others the critical work we do. This is especially important for veterans and service members who may be struggling and in need of free, confidential mental health and wellness care. We want them to know we’re here, and it’s okay to ask for help. Our Wellness Coordinators are just a click or call away.

Second, these events are virtual, nationwide fundraisers — helping us engage with mission supporters like you all across the country. Donations from our Facebook Challenges help fund the no-cost, suicide-specific clinical care we’re known for. Our nation’s heroes deserve the best support we can give them. Thanks to our Facebook Challengers, they’re receiving it.

About Fundraising

What are the other ways my supporters and I can donate to SSS?

While donating to SSS on Facebook is perfectly safe, if you or your supporters do not have Facebook or would prefer to donate another way, you have a couple of options:

  1. You can donate online here: StopSoldierSuicide.org/Donate

  2. You can make an offline donation via check to:

Stop Soldier Suicide
P.O. Box 110605
Durham, NC 27709

Our Tax ID (EIN) is #27-3512119.

Please keep in mind, donations made via check or directly on our website cannot be added to your Facebook fundraiser’s total. Still, we encourage you to acknowledge these gifts on your fundraiser page and thank your supporters.

How do I find, edit, or update my Facebook fundraiser?

You can find your fundraiser here: Facebook.com/Fundraisers

Once there, you can click the “Edit” button to make changes to your fundraiser, such as increasing your goal amount, extending your fundraiser's end date, or updating your fundraiser cover photo and description.

You can also provide updates on your challenge progress to supporters and friends by writing posts and comments on your fundraiser wall.

I accidentally started multiple Facebook fundraisers. What should I do?

If you’ve accidentally started more than one Facebook fundraiser, we recommend ending all but one of them. You can find all of your fundraisers here: Facebook.com/Fundraisers

Please keep in mind, the fundraiser associated with the challenge event, which can usually be identified by the default fundraiser title, is the one that allows you to unlock challenge incentives and contribute to the overall challenge fundraising goal.

I’m having issues with my Facebook fundraiser OR one of my supporters is having issues with their donation. Can you help?

We’d love to help, however, Facebook does not allow nonprofits to modify, update, or refund individual donations or fundraisers.

Please visit Facebook’s Donations Support Page for more help and information. If this is regarding a donation from one of your supporters, please share this link and direct them to do the same. In our experience, Facebook support is quick and helpful in resolving issues.

What are some fundraising tips and best practices?

There are a few steps you can take to help your Facebook fundraiser build momentum and increase its visibility:

  1. Donate to your own fundraiser

  2. Invite friends and family to give (using the “Invite” button)

  3. Share your fundraiser on your Facebook wall (using the “Share” button)

  4. Write frequent updates and comments on your fundraiser wall

  5. Personalize your fundraiser description and cover photo and share why our mission matters to you

Does Facebook charge a processing fee for donations?

As of October 31, 2023, donations and payments made on Facebook are now processed by PayPal Giving Fund and incur a small processing fee.

Donors have the option to increase their donation amount to cover these fees and ensure more money goes to the nonprofit missions they care about.

About Challenge Participation

What’s a Facebook Challenge?

Facebook Challenges help us engage everyday Americans in the fight to reduce the military suicide rate. You can think of them as virtual, nationwide fundraising events that rally people around our mission.

We ask participants to commit to a one-month fitness challenge, start a Facebook fundraiser for SSS, and elevate the conversation around military suicide in their communities.

I don’t have Facebook. Can I still join a challenge event?

If you don’t have Facebook, the best way to participate in a challenge fundraiser like this is to start your own on our website.

You can set a fundraising goal, share your fundraiser with friends and family, log and track physical activity, and even create a team.

Learn more here: StopSoldierSuicide.org/DIY

When does the challenge start?

We host a variety of challenges on Facebook throughout the year with different activities. You can view our current and upcoming challenge events on our website, with links to verified event pages, here: Find Your Challenge

Participants typically start logging activity on the first day of their challenge month. For example, if you're participating in the 30 Mile Dog Walk Challenge in March, you’ll want to start logging your miles on March 1st and push yourself to hit your challenge goal by the end of the month.

In that same example, registration and fundraising begins three weeks prior to the challenge start date, during the first week of February, so you’ll have time before the challenge “activity” starts to raise money and awareness, engage with other challenge participants in the group, and invite your friends and family to join you or donate.

Where does the challenge take place?

Our challenge events are virtual and take place all across the country, with community event pages hosted by our team on Facebook.

Participants are encouraged to log activity at home or in their local community — parks, trails, gyms, neighborhoods, etc.

Each challenge event has a verified Facebook group where participants can connect with other challengers and share stories, photos, and updates from their experience.

You can view our current and upcoming challenge events on our website with links to verified event pages here: Find Your Challenge

How do I log my challenge activity?

Depending on the activity type, there are plenty of options to track, log, and share your challenge activity throughout the month. In general, we use the “honor system” — officially logging or validating challenge activity is not required.

Digital apps like Strava, Nike Run Club, Fitbit, and Apple Fitness are helpful tools to help you track miles, rides, and steps.

You can also use an analogue, pen-and-paper tracker that you hang on your fridge or in your office.

I’m part of a community group, team, company, or organization that wants to host our own challenge event for Stop Soldier Suicide. How do we start?

We appreciate your interest in supporting our mission! Please email us at

challenges@team-stopsoldiersuicide.org so we can better assist you.

About Challenge Shirts & Fundraising Incentives

Is SSS still giving away challenge shirts?

Challengers from January to May 2024 are eligible to receive a free challenge shirt by raising the minimum donation amount on their Facebook fundraiser. If you believe you are eligible, or if you have a question or concern about your challenge shirt, please email us at challenges@team-stopsoldiersuicide.org so we can better assist you.

In an effort to reduce costs and invest more in our clinical programs, beginning in June 2024, we'll no longer be offering free challenge shirts. You're welcome to purchase a challenge shirt on our merch store here: Official SSS Apparel Store.

Where can I purchase Stop Soldier Suicide apparel?

The official challenge shirt, along with other SSS merchandise, is available on our merch store here: Official SSS Apparel Store

Wearing SSS gear is one of the best ways you can raise awareness and tell others about our mission. We appreciate your support!

Please keep in mind, orders purchased on our web store are custom printed and processed the first and third week of every month. We appreciate your patience.